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BMX XXX is the most outrageous, most controversial, funniest game ever.
But, don't take our word for it, check out what the press has to say:


Distribution is limited, demand is high, so make sure you don't miss out. Check below to find your nearest BMX XXX retailer, or to order the game online.

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Acclaim Online Store ? Hastings ? EB Games ? Gamestop ? Wherehouse

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"BMX XXX delivers." - Game Informer

"BMX XXX never takes itself seriously for a moment. If movies like Animal House is your idea of comic genius, then BMX XXX was made for you. Boobies, brash humor and BMX bikes. This game has it all." -

"Is BMX XXX all it's cracked up to be? Absolutely... A new world of gaming has been unlocked, and indeed our lives will be changed again." - Silicon Magazine

"Deep down, there is a good game here, thanks to solid controls, pretty visuals and a nice variety of offensive objectives. " -

more press...


11.26.02: GameCube(tm) Ships! (press release)

11.18.02: PlayStation?2 Ships! (press release)

11.13.02: Wanna go topless in the game? (cheats)

11.13.02: Xbox(tm) Ships! (press release)

11.08.02: TV Commercials! (movies)

11.08.02: Free mini strategy guide! (mini guide)

11.07.02: GameCube(tm) Goes Gold! (press release)

11.06.02: Xbox(tm) Goes Gold! (press release)

11.05.02: Miss BMX XXX contest begins! (what the hell is this?)

this is bmx? : screenshots : movies : features : characters : cheats
miss bmx xxx : banned ads : registration : press : where to buy : home

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